Tuesday, May 8, 2012

1, The Man In The Moon

Coming Soon.

The moon is my first subject this time. The reason I chose this is, on my trip out this evening, after days of being in bed & cooped up in the house due to illness, it was HUGE! I mean almost bigger than I'd ever seen it before. It wasn't full, but it was full of wonder. My son was so excited to see it and as we were driving to dinner, then to the store, he'd yell at the other cars on the road for blocking his view of the moon. I remember being so excited to see the moon as a little kid too. It's so intriguing, so luminous even though it puts off no light of it's own. Just to see my lil boy get excited to see it reminded me just how nice it was to look up into the sky and see something so awesome out there. How things that as adults we take for granted, once were a huge source of wonder and inspiration. I hope to get a shot of the moon over the course of this next week to replace the place holder here.

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